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Do I Need to Do a Maternity Shoot?

Umming and ahing about whether to do a maternity shoot? This one’s for you!

Pregnancy is a unique and transformative time in a woman’s life. It’s a period filled with anticipation, excitement - and, of course, a bit of nervousness, let’s be honest. 

You might be on the fence about a maternity shoot - maybe you’re not feeling your best, or you aren’t sure whether it’s worth the investment. I believe that a maternity shoot is not just about capturing beautiful images; it’s about celebrating the incredible journey you’re going through, and it’s ultimately a celebration of you, and your love. So I’m here to convince you that a maternity shoot is an awesome idea!

Why a maternity shoot is worth it.
Pregnancy is a fleeting moment in time, but the memories and emotions that come with it are lasting. A maternity shoot allows you to celebrate this special phase of life, capturing the beauty and strength of your body as it grows new life. And seriously - bodies are so incredibly strong. I’m forever in awe of the gorgeous people I photograph during my maternity sessions. 

Plus - your body goes through so many changes during pregnancy, and a maternity shoot is a wonderful way to document this journey. The photos will serve as a visual diary of your pregnancy, capturing the glow, the emotions, and the connection you already feel with your baby. And they’re so sweet to show to your baby once they’re older - to show them how loved they were even before they were born!

And finally - there’s nothing like getting in front of the camera for a confidence boost! Pregnancy is beautiful, but it can also come with its challenges—physically and emotionally. A maternity shoot is an opportunity to embrace your changing body and celebrate the incredible things it’s doing. See yourself in a new light and feel empowered - you deserve it!

When is the best time to do a maternity photoshoot? 

Timing is key when it comes to a maternity shoot. The goal is to capture your beautiful baby bump when it’s most prominent, but before you reach the point where you might feel too uncomfortable.

The sweet spot: 30 to 36 weeks
I reckon the ideal time for a maternity shoot is between 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, your bump is usually well-rounded and visible, but you’re not yet at the stage where you might feel too tired or uncomfortable. This timing also ensures that your shoot is done before any potential early labour, allowing you to fully enjoy the experience without any stress! 

Consider your comfort level
Every pregnancy is different, and so is everyone’s comfort level. If you’re experiencing any discomfort earlier in your pregnancy, or if you’re expecting multiples, you might want to schedule your shoot a bit earlier. The key is to choose a time when you feel your best and can move comfortably.

Ways to use your maternity photos
Thinking of ways you could use your maternity photos? The possibilities are endless - but here are a few suggestions:

  • Print and frame photos for your nursery

  • Gift them to grandparents-to-be as a keepsake of this special time

  • Pop them on your wall - to celebrate you and your love!

  • Print a maternity photo album to preserve these memories - making them easy to flick through as you like

  • Share them with friends and family on social media

  • Use them for your baby shower invites or table settings

A few things to consider for your maternity shoot

Location: The location of your maternity shoot plays a big role in the overall feel of the photos. Would you prefer a studio session, or to head out to a meaningful location? 

Wardrobe: What you wear can make a big difference in how you feel during your shoot. Choose outfits that highlight your bump and make you feel comfortable and confident. Flowy dresses, fitted tops, and even elegant lingerie are popular choices. Consider bringing a few different outfits to give yourself some variety in your photos - and I have a stash of maternity outfits on-hand that you might like to try!

Include loved ones: You might want to include your partner, parents, older children, or even pets in your maternity shoot! This is up to you, and I’m always happy to chat this over while you’re booking your maternity shoot. 

Keen to book in a maternity shoot with me? There’s no time like the present! Get in touch.